My Etsy shop

Saturday, 22 December 2012

Hybrid burr/resin blanks

Hello folks

well if you would have told me at the beginning of this year that by the end of the year I would have my own online shop and be spending two/three days most weeks either keeping it updated or making hybrid resin blanks to keep it stocked I would have never believed you!!

But I'm pleased to say that whats happening and I'm really enjoying it.

Thank you to all of my new customers and a big thank you to Mark Sanger who helped me set up the shop.

here are some of the latest blanks I've cast

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

New Hybrid boxes

Hello folks

here are a few new boxes that i've made recently the top and bottom boxes are mini cones and the middle box is loofah- all of the boxes are around 3" tall by 2 3/8" wide